020-88888888Smartphones from Chinese companies now outsell those made in other countries, according to the latest data.据近期数据表明,中国企业们生产的智能手机早已占有了全球仅次于的份额。According to sales figures, South Koreas Samsung remains the worlds largest smartphone maker with a share of 20.7 percent of all devices sold.据销售数据表明,韩国的三星仍是全球仅次于的手机生产商,其全球市场份额超过了20.7%。In second place is Apple of the USA with 13.7 percent market share.第二名是美国的苹果公司,其占有了全球13.7%的市场份额。The statistics, reported by specialist publication The Register, show that Chinas Huawei, Oppo and Vivo are in very close third, fourth and fifth positions respectively.据专业出版物《The Register》的统计数据表明,中国的华为、Oppo和Vivo分列第三、四、五名,份额数据十分相似。
If you add their totals together, then the Chinese manufacturers have a clear market lead globally.如果把这三家企业的总额加在一起,那么中国的智能手机市场份额就是全球第一了。Whats more, the Chinese companies have made staggering progress over the last year, taking a full four percent of sales away from Apple and Samsung.此外,中国企业在过去一年里获得了难以置信的成果,共计从苹果和三星手中夺去了整整4%的市场份额。
Sales of Apples iPhone in the key Chinese market slipped by nearly nine percent in the first three months of 2017. However, the firms iPhone 7 models did manage to remain the most popular smartphone sold in China over the period, with a market share of just under 4 percent.在今年的前三个月,苹果iPhone手机在中国市场的销量下降了近9个百分点。但是在此期间,苹果旗下的iPhone 7毕竟中国最热门的手机--尽管它的市场份额还将近4%。
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